Territorial diagnosis and intervention
RECNET is developing with the support of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, a comprehensive pack of methodologies and tools for diagnosis and management of urban degraded spaces.
Some of the main projects developed by RECNET on zones affected by climate risk have followed as a principle a methodology of risk governance, social adaptation and cultural resilience that is being standardized and tested in order to offer this innovative approach to support projects on local development , territorial adaptation and resilience.

Some unique characteristics of the methodologies for territorial diagnosis and intervention on urban degraded spaces:
1. Provide a fast, liable and realistic lecture of urban degraded spaces including causal mechanisms from a governance perspective.
2. Provide a comprehensive mapping of strategic social actors and drivers for social adaptation and resilience.
3. Orientate processes of local development providing strategic guidance on institutional arrangements and facilitating positive stakeholder's interaction for local governance.
4. Providing interdisciplinary assistance on technology innovation, capacity building at institutional and community levels, social communication, circular economy and administrative and legal aspects to ensure early actions and long term territorial transformations.
5. Provide accompaniment on follow up and monitoring on local development projects with an extended system of indicators.